I love buying art; but not from galleries - can't afford it! I prefer to purchase my artwork from more unconventional places, like Goodwill, Salvation Army, yard & tag sales, antique stores, and estate auctions. Over the years, I've accumulated quite a collection, a majority of which is currently stacked up on the floor in both our master bedroom and den calling out to be displayed. Typically, I hang my artwork in basic linear configurations, or one painting per wall. BOOOORING! I would like to be more creative in how I hang these prized possessions, make more of a statement and get that WOW! factor. So I cruised around Pinterest recently to get some inspiration. Originally, I was going to title this post: "How's it Hangin? 5 Ways to Hang Your Artwork," but what I realized was there really isn't a WAY to hang artwork. I am truly amazed at how many different and unique art displays are out there, and I've only just scratched the surface!
Here are some of my faves that are *choice* (*choice* - I may be saying this more often. We just enjoyed watching "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" the other night, and that's one of Ferris's little sayings. If you haven't watched it in 20 years, like me, I recommend another view):
Source: Pinterest |
What I discovered was that certain rules I assumed needed to be followed were tossed out the window! Matching frames, pictures with the same color palette, all must have white matting, etc., etc. Some of these beautiful displays are lovely and haphazard - a beautiful mess, yet memorizing! I think one of my favorites is the wall with the pictures creeping up and over the doorway. *Choice!* I admit, there are a few in my sampling which look measured and calculated and they are lovely, too. But for the most part, I say, no laser level or measuring tape needed. Just go for it!
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